So, you have just purchased or received one of our personalized scrapbooks and arrived at that ‘first-page fear’. Well, fear not we are here to help. To start off we will tell you there is no way to do this wrong. Even if you make tons of mistakes the memories that you preserve will absolutely be worth it.
Scrapbooking is a fun and creative way to preserve your memories and to reorganize your images. You’ll be able to relive your experiences, and will act as a brilliant way to share these experiences with others. Here are just a few tips to get you started:
1 Theme – pick your theme. This will be easy, you have received a personalized photo album and have very likely got a beautiful excuse for making up a scrapbook. If not any reason is a good reason you collate your happy memories, celebrate summer, holidays, pets or even a Christmas compilation. Pick your pictures and stories to fit your theme and dive in.
2 Stickers – Stickers are amazing for scrapbooks. They can be cheap to buy and easy to print. I love card stickers that you can get to for that extra pop for something special. They add to your theme, flesh out your designs and can even hide mistakes. You can also settle for sticker letters or print out your text in cool fonts, that way you don’t have to worry about your own penmanship.
3 Markers – When creating your scrapbook, some pictures are self-explanatory, while others might need a little explaining. Each photo is special, but the story that came with it is priceless. By adding a small caption you can add so much depth to a picture and loved ones can relive the moments with you in the future. Pick colors to match your scrapbook theme or color coordinate with your favorite shades!
4 Adhesives – Mix up your mediums. When I add to my scrapbook I like to use a mix of; photo corners, foam pads, and double-sided tape or glue roll. You can use glue to stick your images on, glue sticks or the fun washi tape. You can get tape roll shaped to fit your hand perfectly and all you have to do is roll the tip down on each corner of your image. A small, clear piece of tape will be placed with ease.
5 Additions – Here I am talking about the things that you kept and you are not really sure why you kept but they are important to you. Scrapbooks are a great way to display these tokens. Add the cut out of a funny birthday card, postcards, tickets, and interesting papers.
Just remember to add a little note for why it was important to you at the time. Like my ‘St. Trinians cinema tickets’ that was very likely an early date but who knows 17 years on.
6 Less is more – More can also be more but, for myself, I choose to simplify my pages. There is less chance of burnout by putting everything I have in 2 pages and when I come back to reflect I actually appreciate the content more when calmly paced. You can place your focal point photo on the page with the other complimentary photos around. Play around with the photos until you are happy with their positioning. Don’t rush into anything.
7 Enjoy – Look at you, you’re a pro scrapbooker! Scrapbooking made easy. Your scrapbook will be enjoyed for years to come and will keep your memories preserved for all the world to see. Enjoy reliving your trip to the Bahamas, the family reunion where you got a horrible sunburn and your child’s firsts.
The good, the bad and the hilarious. The basics